
& Motion


Consultancy Direction Creation Motion Editing Graphic Design Sound

Exhibit Design

Digital & Social Media

Whether you are, Adler suits you and has many more facets than you think.


Agency RCKT Client ADLER

Adler - The confession

A 360° campaign with centerpiece a TV spot that shows the enthusiasm of old and new Adler customers.


"You can't choose your family, but you can choose your TV provider".

TELEBOY - Das Familienfoto


360° campaign on TV and online.


- Indocina Memories

Audiovisual immersive experience that narrate about people, places and sensations.


Designed for a young and demanding audience. Flexible usability to fit many marketing formats and aims, as well as sites-specific usage.

Visual concept plays around fresh contemporary aesthetics merging with environment and heritage of Palermo, where the festival is set.

SYS - Electro Festival


Designed for a young and demanding audience. Flexible usability to fit many marketing formats and aims, as well as sites-specific usage.

Visual concept plays around fresh contemporary aesthetics merging with environment and heritage of Palermo, where the festival is set.


EVAGARDEN - Made in Italy


Mercedes Benz - Showroom

A 3-Screens installation aimed to present the latest high-class models of Mercedes Benz. Location: Sindelfingen Showroom.


Internal communication and B2B digital campaigns.

Denstply Sirona - CEREC


Internal communication, Lernplatform and B2B digital campaigns.

Denstply Sirona - CEREC


Animation sets for digital campaigns.

Agency RCKT

- RCKT Digital Campaign


Winning video-guideline presentation for L'ORÉAL MEN EXPERT's product selling digital campaign. Focus are empowerment, luxury, self-care, flexibility, daily life.


Agency RCKT Client L'ORÉAL


Designed for a young and demanding audience. Flexible usability to fit many marketing formats and aims, as well as sites-specific usage.

Visual concept plays around fresh contemporary aesthetics merging with environment and heritage of Palermo, where the festival is set.

Exhibit Design